NTP (02)

NTP on penrith1/2

Monday 21 April, 2008 - 23:26

I tried setting up NTP on penrith1 using the following procedure:

rpmquery ntp (to see if the package was installed - yes - ntp-4.1.2-4.EL3.1)

service ntpd status (to see if the daemon was running - ntpd is stopped)

chkconfig --list ntpd (to see if the service was defined - yes, but not enabled at any run level)

chkconfig --level 345 ntpd on (to run ntpd when in one of the multiuser modes)

vi /etc/ntp.conf (to add the following lines):

restrict central.yaocm.id.au mask nomodify notrap
server central.yaocm.id.au

service ntpd restart (to read the updated configuration file)

date (to check if the image clock was the same as the PC clock - no)

tail -20 /var/log/messages (to see what the error messages were)

getnetum central.yaocm.id.au: invalid host number, line ignored

ping -c 4 central.yaocm.id.au (to check connectivity - failed - unknown host)

vi /etc/hosts (to add entry for central.yaocm.id.au)

ping now works

date is still wrong

service ntpd restart (to rebuild ntp service)

date still wrong

Same error message in /var/log/messages

Google pointed me to Translation names to IP is not working . Problem was with the use of the host name instead of an IP address in the restrict statement.

vi /etc/ntp.conf (to change central.yaocm.id.au to in restrict command)

service ntpd restart

date still wrong

No error messages for this incarnation of ntpd in /var/log/messages

Took a half-hour break.

Looked at /var/log/messages, found:

time correction of -7920 seconds exceeds sanity limit (1000); set clock manually to the correct UTC time.

date -u 042112402008 (the convoluted time format of month, day, hour, minute, and year is probably makes sense to some geek somewhere in the USA)
Mon Apr 21 12:40:00 UTC 2008

That sanity check message was the last thing sent before the daemon died. This I found out when I tried to restart ntpd.

Watched log via tail -f /var/log/messages for about twenty minutes with a problem on penrith1.

Made similar changes on penrith2. Except that I get messages of the following type in /var/log/messages:

kernel: set_rtc_mmss: can't update from nn to nn

ntpd and kernel message set_rtc_mmss: can't update could be relevant

Checked the time on all three (3) servers and found the following discrepencies:

central 23:13:56
penrith1 23:06:41
penrith2 23:09:42

From this, I would say that ntp is not set up correctly because the times should all be the same.