Padstow (06)

Saturday 12 July, 2008 - 22:53

It has taken me three (3) attempts to get a good backup of the padstow cluster.

Attempt #1 failed because of corrupt blocks in the SYSAUX tablespace again! Since I did not have a valid backup, I could not recover from the block corruptions. Deleted and created the EXAMPLE database once more.

Attempt #2 failed because the ASM instance on padstow2 would not start. This backup could be okay because the archived redo log files are in the shared storage.

After a cluster reboot, both nodes of the cluster database came online and I was able to get a full backup.

Some interesting commands:


This RMAN command reads all of the disk blocks to find corrupted ones without stopping at the first corrupted one. These blocks are listed in the V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view.


This RMAN command reads the list of blocks from V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION and attempts to fix them. How simple is this?