Richmond Cluster (01)

Thursday 01 May, 2008 - 21:54

Have given up on penrith and moved to richmond instead. Cloned RHEL 3.7 1GB image as richmond1 and richmond2 . Added three (3) shared 2Gb disk drives from Virtual Machines\YAOCM\Richmond Shared\ : disk1.vmdk, disk2.vmdk, and disk3.vmdk. These were put on SCSI1:0, SCSI1:1, and SCSI1:2 respectively as independent and persistent.

Updated the YAOCM team to remove penrith and add richmond . Leaving penrith as a reference site. Used the team editting feature to add two (2) NICs to each new image and assign them to the different LAN segments.

Updated the following files with the code snippet from Going in Circles :
Virtual Machines\Richmond1\Richmond1.vmx
Virtual Machines\Richmond2\Richmond2.vmx

Now rereading my blog to gather all the configuration information to set up this cluster from scratch.