Richmond Cluster (14)

Thursday 08 May, 2008 - 23:25

Deinstalling clusterware as per procedure on p.5-10 of Clusterware Installation for Linux . Ran the following on richmond1 :
$ su -
# export CRS_HOME=/u00/crs/oracle/product/10/app
# $CRS_HOME/install/ local sharedvar nosharedhome
CRS nodeapps are deleted successfully
clscfg: EXISTING configuration version 3 detected.
clscfg: version 3 is 10G Release 2.
Unable to communicate with the CRS Daemon.32 PROC-32: Cluster Ready Services on the local node is not running Messaging error [9]
Delete must be invoked from a node active CRS daemons
'local' deleted successfully

Ran the following on richmond1 only:
# $CRS_HOME/install/
Removing contents from OCR mirror device
2560+0 records in
2560+0 records out
Removing contents from OCR device
2560+0 records in
2560+0 records out

Used OUI to deinstall clusterware. It had some problems deleting directories.

Since the installation was messed up on richmond2 , I removed the directories manually.