Perform pre-install tasks for Grid Infrastructure

In Oracle® Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux , the section, 4.1 Preparing to Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure with OUI , lists the following tasks:

  1. Shutdown running Oracle processes
  2. Prepare for Oracle Automatic Storage Management and Oracle Clusterware Upgrade If You Have Existing Installations
  3. Determine the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) location
  4. Obtain root account access
  5. Decide if you want to install other languages
  6. Determine your cluster name, public node names, the SCAN, virtual node names, GNS VIP and planned interface use for each node in the cluster
  7. Identify shared storage for Oracle Clusterware files and prepare storage if necessary
  8. Ensure cron jobs do not run during installation
  9. Have IPMI Configuration completed and have IPMI administrator account information
  10. Ensure that the Oracle home path you select for the grid infrastructure home uses only ASCII characters
  11. Unset Oracle environment variables