In Oracle® Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) for Linux , the section, 4.1 Preparing to Install Oracle Grid Infrastructure with OUI , lists the following tasks:
- Shutdown running Oracle processes
- Prepare for Oracle Automatic Storage Management and Oracle Clusterware Upgrade If You Have Existing Installations
- Determine the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) location
- Obtain root account access
- Decide if you want to install other languages
- Determine your cluster name, public node names, the SCAN, virtual node names, GNS VIP and planned interface use for each node in the cluster
- Identify shared storage for Oracle Clusterware files and prepare storage if necessary
- Ensure cron jobs do not run during installation
- Have IPMI Configuration completed and have IPMI administrator account information
- Ensure that the Oracle home path you select for the grid infrastructure home uses only ASCII characters
- Unset Oracle environment variables