In Oracle® Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) , the section, Component Level Debugging , says that:
You can use crsctl set log and crsctl set trace commands as the root user to enable dynamic debugging for the Oracle Clusterware Cluster Ready Services (CRS), Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS), and the Event Manager (EVM).
Enabling Debugging for CRS, CSS, and EVM Modules
You can enable debugging for the CRS, CSS, and EVM modules and their components, and for resources, by setting environment variables or by issuing crsctl set log commands, using the following syntax:
crsctl set {log | trace} module_name
" component : debugging_level [, component : debugging_level ][…]"Run the crsctl set command as the root user, and supply the following information:
- module_name —The name of the module: CRS, CSS, or EVM.
- component —The name of a component for the CRS, CSS, or EVM module. See Table E-29 for a list of all of the components.
- debugging_level —A number from 1 to 5 to indicate the level of detail you want the debug command to return, where 1 is the least amount of debugging output and 5 provides the most detailed debugging output.
You can dynamically change the debugging level in the crsctl command or you can configure an initialization file for changing the debugging level, as described in " Creating an Initialization File to Contain the Debugging Level ".
The following commands show examples of how to enable debugging for the various modules:
- To enable debugging for Oracle Clusterware:
crsctl set log crs "CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2"
- To enable debugging for OCR:
crsctl set log crs "CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2,OCRSRV:4"
- To enable debugging for EVM:
crsctl set log evm "EVMCOMM:1"
- To enable debugging for resources
crsctl set log res "resname:1"
To obtain a list of components that can be used for debugging, run the crsctl lsmodules command , as follows:
crsctl lsmodules {crs | css | evm}
You do not have to be the root user to run the crsctl lsmodules command.…
Example 1
To set debugging levels on all cluster nodes, include the -all keyword, as follows:
crsctl set log crs "CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2" -all
Example 2
To set debugging levels on specific cluster nodes, include the -nodelist keyword and the names of the nodes, as follows:
crsctl set log crs "CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2" -nodelist node1,node2