05 Diagnose VM Agent Problem

Error Message

The error message in emoms.log is:

2012-07-31 21:35:21,060 [EMUI_21_35_20_/console/virtualization/target/ovmserverpool/createVSP] ERROR pp.virtualization logp.251 - oracle.sysman.pp.virtualization.service.platform.ovm.OVMServerPoolManagementIntegrator.validateAddServerPool : Validation failed
oracle.ovs.biz.server.ServerException: OVM-2007 Master Agent '' is not active, so couldn't proceed such operation.
at oracle.ovs.biz.server.helper.ServerValidationHelper.checkAgentStatus(ServerValidationHelper.java:72)
at oracle.ovs.api.ServerPoolManagementImpl.validateCreateServerPool(ServerPoolManagementImpl.java:248)
at oracle.sysman.pp.virtualization.service.platform.ovm.OVMServerPoolManagementIntegrator.validateAddServerPool(OVMServerPoolManagementIntegrator.java:203)

A search of My Oracle Support reveals: Nothing .

Check Network Connectivity

Could ping and ssh from GRIDCTRL to VICTORIA and vice verse.

iptables had no policies active on either node.

Change IP Address of DOM0

To avoid any issues with routing, I decided to move VICTORIA from subnet to one.

I changed the IP Address from to , and subnet to in the following files:

  • /etc/sysconfig/network
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0
  • /etc/hosts

Then I did:

service network restart

Same Result

I repeated the procedure in 04 Finish OEM Virtualisation Intallation with the new address for the OVM Agent, and got the same error.