ASH Report For OCM11G/ocm11g

DB Name DB Id Instance Inst num Release RAC Host
OCM11G 3370287304 ocm11g 1 NO

CPUs SGA Size Buffer Cache Shared Pool ASH Buffer Size
1 307M (100%) 104M (33.8%) 144M (46.9%) 2.0M (0.7%)

Sample Time Data Source
Analysis Begin Time: 27-Jan-12 03:10:59 DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
in AWR snapshot 96
Analysis End Time: 27-Jan-12 03:50:59 DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY
in AWR snapshot 96
Elapsed Time: 40.0 (mins)
Sample Count: 844
Average Active Sessions: 3.52
Avg. Active Session per CPU: 3.52
Report Target: None specified

ASH Report

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Top Events

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Top User Events

Event Event Class % Event Avg Active Sessions
resmgr:cpu quantum Scheduler 99.05 3.48

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Top Background Events

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Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values

Event % Event P1 Value, P2 Value, P3 Value % Activity Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
resmgr:cpu quantum 99.05 "2","0","0" 57.82 location
"1","0","0" 24.88
"3","0","0" 16.35

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Load Profile

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Top Service/Module

Service Module % Activity Action % Action
SYS$USERS emagent_SQL_oracle_database 29.15 service 10.19
streams_processes_count 10.19
ha_flashrecovery 8.53 (TNS V1-V3) 18.25 UNNAMED 18.25 (TNS V1-V3) 17.77 UNNAMED 17.77
emagent_AQMetrics 10.31 DEQ 10.31

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Top Client IDs

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Top SQL Command Types

SQL Command Type Distinct SQLIDs % Activity Avg Active Sessions
SELECT 3 8.77 0.31
PL/SQL EXECUTE 1 5.81 0.20

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Top Phases of Execution

Phase of Execution % Activity Avg Active Sessions
Connection Management 27.49 0.97
SQL Execution 16.59 0.58

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Top SQL with Top Events

SQL ID Planhash Sampled # of Executions % Activity Event % Event Top Row Source % RwSrc SQL Text
22zy9092puhcu 1128103955 1 8.53 resmgr:cpu quantum 8.53 FIXED TABLE - FULL 8.53 SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER ...
0rz2zzy1qw5x3 1 5.81 resmgr:cpu quantum 5.81 ** Row Source Not Available ** 5.81 BEGIN DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER....

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Top SQL with Top Row Sources

SQL ID PlanHash Sampled # of Executions % Activity Row Source % RwSrc Top Event % Event SQL Text
22zy9092puhcu 1128103955 1 8.53 FIXED TABLE - FULL 8.53 resmgr:cpu quantum 8.53 SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER ...
0rz2zzy1qw5x3 1 5.81 ** Row Source Not Available ** 5.81 resmgr:cpu quantum 5.81 BEGIN DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER....

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Top SQL using literals

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Top Parsing Module/Action

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Complete List of SQL Text

22zy9092puhcu SELECT VALUE FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME='db_recovery_file_dest'

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Top PL/SQL Procedures

PLSQL Entry Subprogram % Activity PLSQL Current Subprogram % Current

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Top Java Workload

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Top Sessions

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Top Sessions

Sid, Serial# % Activity Event % Event User Program # Samples Active XIDs
153, 8 10.43 resmgr:cpu quantum 10.19 DBSNMP emagent@bankst...u (TNS V1-V3) 86/240 [ 36%] 0
127, 45 10.31 resmgr:cpu quantum 10.31 DBSNMP emagent@bankst...u (TNS V1-V3) 87/240 [ 36%] 0
137, 6601 10.31 resmgr:cpu quantum 10.31 DBSNMP perl@bankstown...u (TNS V1-V3) 87/240 [ 36%] 0
126, 189 10.19 resmgr:cpu quantum 10.19 DBSNMP emagent@bankst...u (TNS V1-V3) 86/240 [ 36%] 0
170, 1348 9.24 resmgr:cpu quantum 9.24 DBSNMP emagent@bankst...u (TNS V1-V3) 78/240 [ 33%] 0

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Top Blocking Sessions

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Top Sessions running PQs

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Top Objects/Files/Latches

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Top DB Objects

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Top DB Files

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Top Latches

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Activity Over Time

Slot Time (Duration) Slot Count Event Event Count % Event
03:10:59 (4.0 min) 1 db file sequential read 1 0.12
03:15:00 (5.0 min) 5 control file sequential read 3 0.36
log file parallel write 1 0.12
log file sync 1 0.12
03:20:00 (5.0 min) 1 db file sequential read 1 0.12
03:25:00 (5.0 min) 1 log file parallel write 1 0.12
03:35:00 (5.0 min) 120 resmgr:cpu quantum 120 14.22
03:40:00 (5.0 min) 303 resmgr:cpu quantum 303 35.90
03:45:00 (5.0 min) 341 resmgr:cpu quantum 341 40.40
03:50:00 (59 secs) 72 resmgr:cpu quantum 72 8.53

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End of Report