OEM Online Patching Set Up


Oracle® Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for Software and Server Provisioning and Patching 11g Release 1 ( Chapters:


I plan to use OEM to do the patching. For this, I need to establish the OEM environment.


Enter Metalink Credentials

From the OEM home page, I click on the link called Not Configured at the label My Oracle Support Credentials . At the My Oracle Support and Proxy Connection tab of the Patching Setup page, I enter My Oracle Support and do a successful test.

When I click the Apply button, I get the following error message:

On gridctrl , I examine /opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/oms10g/sysman/log/emoms.log and find the following error message:

2012-01-05 00:00:43,030 [JobWorker 38105:Thread-36] ERROR em.provision checkAllSoftwareLibLocs.210 - AdminUtil:checkAllSoftwareLibLocs: No software library locations configured.

When I go to the Provisioning of the Deployments page, I see the following Warning :

The Software Library has not been configured. Component/Directive/Image/Network/Suite creation will fail if Software Library is not configured. To configure, click on the 'Provisioning' sub-tab, go to the 'Administration' page and set the path for Software Library.

On gridctrl , I create a new directory to hold the software repository:

mkdir /opt/oracle/OEM_SW_repository

When I enter the name of the software repository, I get a screen saying, among other things, that:

PAR files are being uploaded to the Software Library. This happens when a Software Library location is added for the first time. The upload process may take some time.

Gave up when I got the following error message:

2012-01-05 05:05:12,800 [EMUI_05_05_08_/console/admin/rep/proxy/server] ERROR proxy.ProxyHandler logp.251 - EM_01885