10 Configure ASM Storage


How To Create ASM Diskgroups using NFS/NAS Files? (Doc ID 731775.1)

Step by Step - Configure Direct NFS Client (DNFS) on Linux (Doc ID 762374.1)

Enabling Direct NFS Client Oracle Disk Manager Control of NFS




The ASM storage is configured on the FREENAS NFS server using the Oracle DirectNFS driver.

Corrections have been made based on information in 13 Create Database Successful .

Even more corrections have been made based on information in 14 Set Up DirectNFS for Example Database .


Create NFS Volume and Share

Using the FreeNAS Web Gui at http://freenas.yaocm.id.au , I created a ZFS dataset called ASMDATA which is 7GB in size, and is owned by asm:asmdba .

I also created a NFS Share for /mnt/PENRITH/ASMDATA for access only by the network and having a Maproot User of root .

Enabling Direct NFS Client Oracle Disk Manager Control of NFS

Following the procedure in Enabling Direct NFS Client Oracle Disk Manager Control of NFS , first on PENRITH1 :

su -
mkdir /u07
chown asm:asmdba /u07
cat >>/etc/fstab <<DONE
freenas-nas:/mnt/PENRITH/ASMDATA   /u07            nfs     rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,noac,actimeo=0,vers=3,timeo=600
mount /u07
su - asm
cd /u01/app/asm/product/11.1.0/db_1/dbs
cat >oranfstab <<DONE
server: freenas
export: /mnt/PENRITH/ASMDATA
mount:  /u07

This is repeated on PENRITH2 . Here, I am mounting the NFS share for ASM files on /u07 and setting up the DirectNFS driver configuration.

The driver is enabled as follows, on PENRITH2 ,:

[asm@penrith2 dbs]$ cd ../lib
[asm@penrith2 lib]$ cp libodm11.so libodm11.so_stub
[asm@penrith2 lib]$ ln -s libnfsodm11.so libodm11.so
ln: creating symbolic link `libodm11.so' to `libnfsodm11.so': File exists
[asm@penrith2 lib]$ ls -l libodm11.so
lrwxrwxrwx 1 asm oinstall 12 Jan  2 08:18 libodm11.so -> libodmd11.so

This was repeated on PENRITH1 .

Create the NFS Disk Drives

Followed the procedure in How To Create ASM Diskgroups using NFS/NAS Files? (Doc ID 731775.1) , to create two (2) NFS disk drives:

  1. recovery.dbf of size 4GB
  2. data.dbf of size 3GB
[asm@penrith1 u07]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/u07/recovery.dbf bs=8192 count=520000
520000+0 records in
520000+0 records out
4259840000 bytes (4.3 GB) copied, 2078.18 seconds, 2.0 MB/s
[asm@penrith1 u07]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/u07/data.dbf bs=8192 count=400000
dd: writing `/u07/data.dbf': Disk quota exceeded
397393+0 records in
397392+0 records out
3255435264 bytes (3.3 GB) copied, 1646.34 seconds, 2.0 MB/s
[asm@penrith1 u07]$ ls -lh
total 7.1G
-rw-r--r-- 1 asm asmdba 3.1G Jan  4 23:31 data.dbf
-rw-r--r-- 1 asm asmdba 4.0G Jan  4 21:47 recovery.dbf
[asm@penrith1 u07]$ df -h .
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      7.1G  7.1G     0 100% /u07

Change Permissions

The permissions on the ASM files are changed as follows:

[root@penrith1 ~]# chmod 775 /u07
[root@penrith1 ~]# chown -R asm:oinstall /u07
[root@penrith1 ~]# chmod 664 /u07/*.dbf

Change Startup Parameters

The following is added to the pfile, $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init+ASM1.ora ,: