This procedure show how to create a 12.1 PDB using DBCA without using any advanced options.
The procedure is in 2.3.2 Creating a Database Using DBCA .
Database Operation
After dbca is started , choose Manage Pluggable Databases as shown below:
Then click Next .
Manage Pluggable Databases
When the next screen appears, choose Create a Pluggable Database as shown below:
Then click Next .
Database List
From the following list, choose the existing container database, jar , and enter SYS and its password:
Create Pluggable Database
Choose Create a new Pluggable Database on the following screen:
Then click Next .
Pluggable Database Options
On the following screen,
- Set Pluggable Database Name to newpdb
- Select Use Oracle Managed Files
- Select Create Default User Tablespace
- Enter newdba as the Administrator Username
- Enter the Administrator Password
Then click Next .
Verify that we are creating the PDB called newpdb in the container database, jar , from the default pluggable database source, and we are using Oracle Managed Files. Database Vault , Label Security , and OID are not configured.
Then click Finish .
Progress Page
The following page appears:
The following message then appears:
Then click Ignore as the USERS tablespace was part of the seed database.
Eventually, the Finish page appears indicating that the PDB creation was successful:
Then click Close .