Perform emergency monitoring and real-time ADDM


Both Real Time ADDM and Emergency Monitoring are accessed through the Performance menu of the database home page in OEM.

The general procedure is to use Emergency Monitoring first in order to confirm that there is a problem with the database instance and to get a general idea of what the problem is. For a more detailed analysis, use Real Time ADDM to specific advice on resource usage or hang analysis.

The database instance will invoke Real Time ADDM itself if certain thresholds are breached.



Generate a Real Time ADDM Report Using SQL*Plus

I used the following SQL*Plus commands to generate a Real Time ADDM report using the REAL_TIME_ADDM_REPORT Function. The report was supposed to be attached as report.xml, but was lost during web-site conversion:

COLUMN report FORMAT a180
    dbms_addm.real_time_addm_report() AS report

Simulate Performance Problem

I will simulate the performance problem by running the on PADSTOW. (For further details, please refer to "High CPU Usage with a CDB Resource Plan".)

Perform Emergency Monitoring

Access Emergency Monitoring Through OEM

Access Emergency Monitoring through the database home page under OEM as shown below:

Access Emergency Monitoring through OEM

Enter Credentials for Emergency Monitoring

Enter the required credentials on the following page:

Enter Emergency Monitoring Credentials

View Emergency Monitoring

The following page appears:

Emergency Monitoring landing page

Perform Real Time ADDM

Access Real Time ADDM Through OEM

Access Real Time ADDM through the database home page under OEM as shown below:

Access Real Time ADDM through OEM

Enter Credentials for Real Time ADDM

Enter the required credentials on the following page:

Enter credentials for Real Time ADDM

Real Time ADDM Landing Page

The following page then appears:

Real Time ADDM landing page

Press the Start button to begin the analysis.

Real Time ADDM Analysis Completed

Once the Real Time ADDM Analysis has completed, the following screen appears:

Real Time ADDM analysis done

Display Real Time ADDM Findings

Pressing the Findings button shows the following screen:

Display Real Time ADDM findings

Highlighting a finding will give more details. These were not captured by me.

Display Hardware Resources

Pressing the Hardware Resources button shows the following screen:

Real Time ADDM hardware resources

Display Activity

Pressing the Activity button shows the following screen:

Real Time ADDM activity

Display Hang Data

Pressing the Hang Data button shows the following screen:

Real Time ADDM hang data

Real Time ADDM Statistics

When the Statistics button is pressed, the following page appears:

Real Time ADDM statistics for the database

This shows the database statistics. Statistics for instance and host were not captured by me.