Installation of OMA Fails with Time Zone Issue


Installation of OMA to gordon failed with Time Zone Mismatch.




Update time-zone as described in Doc ID 1519859.1 .



OMA Start Up Fails

The start-up of the OMA fails with the following message:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting agent .............failed.
Consult emctl.log and emagent.nohup in: /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/log

Examine Logs

The log, /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/log/emagent.nohup , shows the following message:

OMS decided to shutdown the agent because of the following reason sent from OMS:  AGENT_TZ_MISMATCH

Check OMA Time Zone

I used the following command to check the time-zone used by the agent (OMA):

/opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/bin/emctl config agent getTZ

The result was:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Correct Time Zone

Check for Supported Time Zones

The supported time zones are in /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/core/ . In that file, I found the following time zone:


Update OMA Configuration

The OMA configuration in /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/config/ was updated with:


Configure OMA with New Time Zone

I used the following commands to update the OMA with the following commands:

export TZ=Australia/Sydney
/opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/bin/emctl resetTZ agent

The result was:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Updating /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/config/
Successfully updated /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/sysman/config/
Login as the em repository user and run the  script:
exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('','Australia/Sydney')
and commit the changes
This can be done for example by logging into sqlplus and doing
SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('','Australia/Sydney')
SQL> commit

Update OMR

On REPOS , the following SQL*Plus commands were run:

exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('','Australia/Sydney')

Continue with OMA Installation

Start OMA

Started OMA with the following command:

/opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/bin/emctl start agent

The result was:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Starting agent ........ started.

Add Internal Targets to OMA

Added internal targets to the OMA with the following command:

/opt/app/oracle/agent12c/agent_inst/bin/emctl config agent addinternaltargets

The result was:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Run Root Script

Ran the OMA root script with the following command:

sudo /opt/app/oracle/agent12c/core/

The result was:

Finished product-specific root actions.
/etc exist

Creating /etc/oragchomelist file...