Install GI Standalone


In some cases, there is not the need for clusters for database servers, but Grid Infrastructure is still needed to manage Oracle database resources. This procedure installs Grid Infrastructure on a stand-alone server.




Oracle Groups

The following groups are established for use by the oracle user:

Group Name Purpose
oinstall Owns Grid Infrastructure software
dba SYSDBA access for database super-user
asmdba SYSASM access for managing ASM
oper SYSOPER access for database operations

ASM Disk Groups

The following ASM disk groups are established:

ASM Group Name Purpose
DATA Database files

Establish User Equivalence

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t RSA
cp authorized_keys
ssh gordon


Start the Installation

The software can be installed from either NFS (see Use NFS for Oracle Software ), or from the local disk.

In the directory where the Grid Infrastructure software was unzipped, run the following commands as the oracle user:

cd grid

Step 1: Select Installation Option

Selected Install and Configure Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server :

Clicked Next .

Step 2: Select Product Languages

Nothing was changed.

Clicked Next .

Step 3: Create ASM Disk Group

Selected /dev/sdb for disk group DATA with external redundancy .

Clicked Next .

Step 4: ASM Password

The passwords were changed.

Clicked Next .

Step 5: Management Options

Nothing was changed as there is no OEM agent installed yet.

Clicked Next .

Step 6: Privileged Operating System Groups

The following changes were made:

  • Oracle ASM Administrator (OSASM) Group is set to asmdba
  • Oracle ASM DBA (OSDBA for ASM) Group is set to dba
  • Oracle ASM Operator (OSOPER for ASM) Group is set to oper

Clicked Next .

The following warning appeared:

Clicked Yes .

Step 7: Installation Location

Changed oracle base to /opt/app/oracle :

Clicked Next .

Step 8: Create Inventory

Nothing was changed.

Clicked Next .

Step 9: Root script execution

Since I normally add the wheel group to the oracle , I can use sudo :

Clicked Next .

Step 10: Prerequisite Checks

The prerequisite checks failed with low memory:

Clicked Ignore All then Next .

Got a confirmation message:

Clicked Yes .

Step 11: Summary

Nothing was changed.

Clicked Install .

Step 12: Install Product

The following screen appeared.

Clicked Install .

After a while, the following message appears:

Clicked Yes .

Step 13: Finish

Nothing was changed.

Clicked Close .