Bastion Queries


A bastion allows connection to VMs in private sub-nets.

List All Bastions in Compartment

With the variable, compartment_id, set to the required OCI compartment, run the following OCI CLI command to get all bastions in that compartment:

oci bastion bastion list                                                \
    --compartment-id ${compartment_id}                                  \
    --all                                                               \
    --query 'data[*].{Name:name,"Lifecycle State":"lifecycle-state"}'   \
    --output table

Sample output is:

| Lifecycle State | Name             |
| ACTIVE          | NPLAB10BASTION01 |

The inclusion of the --all parameter suppresses the following warning:

WARNING: This operation supports pagination and not all resources were returned.  Re-run using the --all option to auto paginate and list all resources.

Get OCID for Bastion

Selecting a basion name from the previous query, run the following command to the OCID of that bastion:

bastion_id=$(                           \
    oci bastion bastion list            \
    --compartment-id ${compartment_id}  \
    --name "NPLAB10BASTION01"           \
    --all                               \
    --query 'data[0].id'                \
    --raw-output                        \

The inclusion of the --all parameter suppresses the following warning:

WARNING: This operation supports pagination and not all resources were returned.  Re-run using the --all option to auto paginate and list all resources.

Create Bastion Session

In order to create a bastion session, the following variables need to be set:

Variable Description
bastion_id OCID of bastion (see previous query)
compartment_id OCID of compartment
private_ip IP address of VM
vm_id OCID of Compute Instance

Note: This example assumes that you have already generated a SSH key pair (~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/

Run the following commands to connect to a VM via the bastion:

session_id=$(                                       \
    oci bastion session create-managed-ssh          \
        --compartment-id ${compartment-id}          \
        --bastion-id ${bastion_id}                  \
        --key-type PUB                              \
        --ssh-public-key-file ~/.ssh/     \
        --target-os-username opc                    \
        --target-private-ip ${private_ip}           \
        --target-resource-id ${vm_id}               \
        --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED                  \
        --wait-for-state FAILED                     \
        --raw-output                                \
        --query 'data.resources[0].identifier'      \
eval $(                                             \
    oci bastion session get                         \
        --compartment-id ${compartment-id}          \
        --session-id ${session_id}                  \
        --query 'data."ssh-metadata".command'       \
        --raw-output |                              \
    sed -e 's!<privateKey>!~/.ssh/id_rsa!g'         \

Get Sessions for Bastion

oci bastion session list                \
    --bastion-id ${bastion_id}          \
    --compartment-id ${compartment_id}  \
    --all                               \
    --query 'data[0].{"Bastion Name":"bastion-name","Session Name":"display-name","Lifecycle State":"lifecycle-state","Session Type":"target-resource-details"."session-type",VM:"target-resource-details"."target-resource-display-name","User":"target-resource-details"."target-resource-operating-system-user-name"}' \
    --output table

Sample output is:

| Bastion Name     | Lifecycle State | Session Name                  | Session Type | User | VM                     |
| NPLAB10BASTION01 | DELETED         | bastionsession2024-11-29-1118 | MANAGED_SSH  | opc  | instance20241129121320 |

The inclusion of the --all parameter suppresses the following warning:

WARNING: This operation supports pagination and not all resources were returned.  Re-run using the --all option to auto paginate and list all resources.