Compute Capacity Report Queries


Before creating a compute instance, I need to know if there is sufficient capacity is available.


Find Available Capacity

To find what available capacity is available for all fault domains in the Sandbox compartment, a JSON file containing the query needs to be constructed. A sample to download is called shape-availabilities.json. To build your own query file, you will need the information from the queries:

The data returned by the compute compute-capacity-report create command can be returned in either tabular or JSON format. The tabular format is easier to scan, while the JSON can return all fields:

Create Table of Available Shapes

Once the shape-availabilities.json file has been downloaded or built, run the following commands to generate a table of available shapes:

export sandbox_ocid=$(       \
    oci iam compartment list \
        --name 'Sandbox'     \
        --query 'data[0].id' \
        --raw-output         \
export ad_name=$(                       \
    oci iam availability-domain list    \
        --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid  \
        --query 'data[0].name'          \
        --raw-output                    \
oci compute compute-capacity-report create \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid         \
    --availability-domain $ad_name         \
    --shape-availabilities 'file://shape-availabilities.json' \
    --query 'data."shape-availabilities"[*].{"FD Name":"fault-domain", "Availabilty Status":"availability-status", "Shape Name":"instance-shape"}' \
    --output table

Sample output is:

| Availabilty Status | FD Name        | Shape Name             |
| AVAILABLE          | FAULT-DOMAIN-1 | VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro |
| AVAILABLE          | FAULT-DOMAIN-2 | VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro |
| AVAILABLE          | FAULT-DOMAIN-3 | VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro |

Create JSON File of Available Shapes

Once the shape-availabilities.json file has been downloaded or built, run the following commands to create a JSON file of available shapes:

export sandbox_ocid=$(       \
    oci iam compartment list \
        --name 'Sandbox'     \
        --query 'data[0].id' \
        --raw-output         \
export ad_name=$(                       \
    oci iam availability-domain list    \
        --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid  \
        --query 'data[0].name'          \
        --raw-output                    \
oci compute compute-capacity-report create                    \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid                            \
    --availability-domain $ad_name                            \
    --shape-availabilities 'file://shape-availabilities.json' \

The JSON output is uploaded as compute-capacity-report-result.json