Compute Instance VNIC Queries


After creating a compute instance, I need to know what VNICs are available.


Find VNICs

The data returned by the oci compute image list-vnics command can be returned in either tabular or JSON format. The tabular format is easier to scan, while the JSON can return all fields:

Create Table of All VNICs

To find what VNICs compute images have in the Sandbox compartment, run the following commands to return a subset of fields in a tabular format:

export sandbox_ocid=$(              \
    oci iam compartment list        \
        --name        'Sandbox'     \
        --query       'data[0].id'  \
        --raw-output                \
oci compute instance list-vnics                                                                                  \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid                                                                               \
    --query 'data[*].{"Instance Name":"display-name",OCID:id,"Private IP":"private-ip","Public IP":"public-ip"}' \
    --all                                                                                                        \
    --output table

Sample output is:

| Instance Name     | OCID                                                                                    | Private IP | Public IP      |
| Sandbox public VM | ocid1.vnic.oc1.ap-sydney-1.abzxsljrmdbwvui6ojyck4je6tty3huincepn7sitgejznlf3ewjrv7mw4ra | | |

Create JSON File of All VNICs

To find what VNICs compute images have in the Sandbox compartment, run the following commands to return all fields in JSON format:

export sandbox_ocid=$(              \
    oci iam compartment list        \
        --name        'Sandbox'     \
        --query       'data[0].id'  \
        --raw-output                \
oci compute instance list-vnics        \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid     \
    --all                              \

The output has been uploaded as sandbox_vnic.json.