Compute Shape Queries


Before creating a compute instance, I need to know what compute shapes are available.


Find Available Compute Shapes

To find what compute shapes are available in the Sandbox compartment, run the following commands:

export sandbox_ocid=$(       \
    oci iam compartment list \
        --name 'Sandbox'     \
        --query 'data[0].id' \
        --raw-output         \
oci compute shape list                                                                                      \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid                                                                          \
    --query 'data[*].{"Billing Type":"billing-type","Shape Name":shape,"GB":"memory-in-gbs","OCPUs":ocpus}' \
    --output table

Sample output is:

| Billing Type | GB     | OCPUs | Shape Name             |
| PAID         | 1024.0 | 160.0 | BM.Standard.A1.160     |
| LIMITED_FREE | 6.0    | 1.0   | VM.Standard.A1.Flex    |
| ALWAYS_FREE  | 1.0    | 1.0   | VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro |

To return all data about compute shapes that are available in the Sandbox compartment, run the following commands:

export sandbox_ocid=$(       \
    oci iam compartment list \
        --name 'Sandbox'     \
        --query 'data[0].id' \
        --raw-output         \
oci compute shape list                \
    --compartment-id $sandbox_ocid    \

Full output has been uploaded as compute-shape-list-sandbox.json.