Install OCI CLI

Install OCI CLI


I installed the OCI CLI manually.



Remove Previous Installation

Run the following command to remove any previous installation:

rm -fR ~/lib/oracle-cli ~/bin/oci-cli-scripts ~/bin/oci

Manual Installation

Run the following command to download and run the installer:

bash -c "$(curl -L"

The log is uploaded as install_oci_cli.log

Repair File Permissions

In order to avoid the following warning:

WARNING: Permissions on /home/douglas/.oci/tenancy_admin_private.pem are too open. 
To fix this please try executing the following command: 
oci setup repair-file-permissions --file /home/douglas/.oci/tenancy_admin_private.pem 
Alternatively to hide this warning, you may set the environment variable, OCI_CLI_SUPPRESS_FILE_PERMISSIONS_WARNING: 

I ran the suggested command:

oci setup repair-file-permissions --file /home/douglas/.oci/tenancy_admin_private.pem

Create OCI CLI Configuration File

Following the procedure in “CLI Configuration File”, I ran the following command to create the OCI CLI configuration file (~/.oci/oci_cli_rc):

oci setup oci-cli-rc --file ~/.oci/oci_cli_rc

The expected output is:

Predefined queries written under section OCI_CLI_CANNED_QUERIES
Command aliases written under section OCI_CLI_COMMAND_ALIASES
Parameter aliases written under section OCI_CLI_PARAM_ALIASES

Set OCI CLI Default Profile

In order to have the OCI CLI co-exist with Ansible, the OCI CLI has to use a different profile, OCI.

Following the procedure in “Specifying a Default Profile”, the following two (2) lines are added to the OCI CLI configuration file, ~/.oci/oci_cli_rc:


# for the OCI profile

NOTE: Do not add endpoint to the [OCI] profile as this uses this endpoint as default for all OCI calls.

Create an OCI Session

Following the procedure in “Creating a CLI Session without a Browser”, run the following command to create an OCI session:

oci session authenticate --no-browser --profile-name OCI --region ap-sydney-1

Validate OCI Session

To validate the OCI session, I ran the following command:

oci session validate

A sample response is:

Session is valid until 2024-05-24 03:53:42

Update .zshrc and .bashrc

Update both ~/.zshrc and ~/.bashrc with the following lines:

export OCI_CLI_TENANCY="ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaa7ilqdzmkbqduujc3tt6zrl2n2ytcughcjoidozg4memj2k4cm7na"
export OCI_CLI_AUTH=security_token
export OCI_CLI_REGION=ap-sydney-1

Other environment variables can be found at “CLI Environment Variables”.