This procedure does a full backup of all user databases in a PostgreSQL 14 server.
Access to PostgreSQL Server
Password-Less Access
The user,
, can access the PostgreSQL 14 server without needing to provide a password because of the following settings in
local all postgres peer
This is set up by default.
Listening Port
The PostgreSQL 14 server is listening on port 5434.
I had originally installed PostgreSQL 12 and upgraded from there. The next iteration of the PostgreSQL software chose the next available port after the default of 5433.
Backup All DB
Find User Databases
I used the following command as the
user to find all database in the PostgreSQL 14 server (listening on port 5434):
/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/psql \ --port=5434 \ --command '\l'
The output is:
List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges -----------------+----------+----------+-------------+-------------+----------------------- books | douglas | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | douglas | postgres | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | postgresql_book | douglas | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | en_AU.UTF-8 | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres (6 rows)
The following databases are installed when the
is run, and are not considered user databases:
Thus, the following databases need to be backed up:
Backup User Databases
I used the following commands as the
user to backup all user databases in the PostgreSQL 14 server.
The directories used be empty
mkdir ~/backups cd ~/backups for db_name in books douglas postgresql_book do /usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/pg_dump \ --port=5434 \ --blobs \ --create \ --file=pg_14_${db_name}_backup \ --format=custom \ --format=directory \ --jobs=6 \ --verbose \ ${db_name} done
The output has been uploaded as full_backup_all_14_db.log . The list of files can be found in full_backup_files.lst .
Contents of TOC.DAT
As can be seen from the listings in
, there is a
in every backup directory. The printable contents of one of these (
) is:
PGDMP douglas 14.11 (Ubuntu 14.11-1.pgdg22.04+1) 14.11 (Ubuntu 14.11-1.pgdg22.04+1) ENCODING ENCODING SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; false STDSTRINGS STDSTRINGS SET standard_conforming_strings = 'on'; false SEARCHPATH SEARCHPATH SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); false 1262 16480 douglas DATABASE CREATE DATABASE douglas WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LOCALE = 'en_AU.UTF-8'; DROP DATABASE douglas; postgres false 3079 16481 adminpack EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS adminpack WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; DROP EXTENSION adminpack; false EXTENSION adminpack COMMENT COMMENT ON EXTENSION adminpack IS 'administrative functions for PostgreSQL'; false
Backup Global Settings
I used the following commands as the
user to backup the global settings for the PostgreSQL 14 server running on port 5434:
cd ~/backups pg_dumpall --globals-only --file=globals.backup
The editted contents of
-- -- PostgreSQL database cluster dump -- SET default_transaction_read_only = off; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; -- -- Roles -- CREATE ROLE books; ALTER ROLE books WITH NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS PASSWORD 'SCRAM-SHA-256$4096:****************************************************************************************************='; CREATE ROLE douglas; ALTER ROLE douglas WITH SUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS PASSWORD 'SCRAM-SHA-256$4096:****************************************************************************************************='; CREATE ROLE postgres; ALTER ROLE postgres WITH SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEROLE CREATEDB LOGIN REPLICATION BYPASSRLS PASSWORD 'SCRAM-SHA-256$4096:***************************************************************************************************='; -- -- Tablespaces -- CREATE TABLESPACE books OWNER douglas LOCATION '/var/lib/postgresql/14/main'; -- -- PostgreSQL database cluster dump complete --
Backup Configuration Files
I used the following commands to backup the configuration files for the PostgreSQL 14 server:
cd /etc/postgresql/14/main postgres@coogee:/etc/postgresql/14/main$ tar czvf ~/backup/settings.tgz .
The following files and directories are backed up:
./ ./start.conf ./postgresql.conf ./conf.d/ ./pg_hba.conf ./pg_ctl.conf ./pg_ident.conf ./environment
Outline of Server Restoration
The general steps to restore the PostgreSQL 14 server are:
- Install PostgreSQL 14 software, if required. This will create a default server with three (3) databases.
- Restore configuration files, if required. The installation of the PostgreSQL 14 software will create default configuration files.
- Start PostgreSQL 14 server, if required. The installation of the PostgreSQL 14 software will start the server automatically.
- Restore global settings.
- Restore all user databases.