Ch 08: Working with Lock Conflicts

MyISAM uses very coarse-grained locks and avoid failed locks except for time-outs - very poor write concurrency.

Fine-grained locks increases possibility of deadlocks.

Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS)

Drive transactions with a large number of locks to completion earlier in order to release a large number of locks.

Safeguard against lock starvation by inserting a barrier at end of current queue and processing all preceding requests before considering new requests.

8.0.20 CATS always used; FIFO retired.


InnoDB Data Lock Compatibility

Not necessarily symmetric

Lock order is significant.

Metadata and Backup Lock Wait

lock_wait_timeout defaults to 365 days.

FLUSH TABLES: high value better because lower levels are not cleared on timeouts.

InnoDB Lock Wait Timeouts

Record locks are subject to timeout due to flush, metadata, or backup locks.

Default is 50 seconds for record locks.



Keep record lock timeouts lower than default of 20 seconds.

innodb_lock_wait_timeout: 1 or 2 seconds if deadlock detection disabled (also enable innodb_rollback_on_timeout)


With deadlock detection enabled, InnoDB chooses the transaction that has done the least work as the one to abandon.

Deadlock detection allows immediate resolution instead of waiting for timeouts.

trx_weight in information_schema; INNODB_TRX; More work, more weight.

Fewest locks held, more likely to be killed in deadlock resolution.

Can even get a deadlock on a single row. Can be caused by FK.

High query concurrency: turn detection off because of deadlock detection overhead.


Improved performance in MySQL 8.0.18+



InnoDB Mutex and Semaphore Waits

Either loop pool or suspend

Polling allows the lock to be obtained more quickly but it keeps the CPU thread busy and polling can cause CPU cahce invalidation for other threads.

innodb_spin_wait_delay: Small values for fast single CPU cache; large values for multi-CPU.

innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier=50 8.0.16+ Skylake.

innodb_sync_spin_loops=30 Number of spins before suspension.


When executing CHECK TABLE, the timeout threashold is increased to 7200 seconds (2 hours).