Ch 13: Case Study: Flush Locks

The main symptom of a flush lock issue is that the database comes to a grinding halt where all new queries using some or all tables end up waiting for the flush lock.

The Cause

When a connection requests a table to be flushed, it requires all references to the table to be closed which means no active queries can be using the table.

The Investigation

state in sys.session will show waiting reason. N/A in performance views.

Find waiting session, then look for queries that have been running longer.

Low level TDC lock can persist after FLUSH TABLE session has been killed. Now the waiting session is that was blocked by original FLUSH TABLE statement.

The Solution


Whether to kill the long running query that blocked the FLUSH TABLE statement depends on the amount of work done. See trx_rows_modified of the information_schema.INNODB_TRX view.

Rollback of DML can take much longer than the original application of changes.

The Prevention

The flush lock contention happens because of the combination of a long running query and a FLUSH TABLE statement.

Tip To avoid long-running SELECT queries, you can configure the max_execution_time option or set the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(N) optimizer hint. This will make the SELECT statement time out after the specified period and help prevent issues like flush lock waits.

Or schedule long running queries.

MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) avoids FLUSH TABLE when taking a backup. 8.0.16+

Do backup while system is read/only.