Ch 14: Case Study: Metadata and Schema Locks

MySQL 8+ Instrumentation enabled by default for metadata locks.

The Symptoms

Similar to FLUSH TABLE scenario.

DDL “Waiting for table metadata lock.”

ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT 1205 lock_wait_timeout

The Cause

In a typical situation, there will be a long-running query or transaction, a DDL statement waiting for the metadata lock, and possibly queries pilling up.

Also explicit locks:

The Investigation

wait/lock/metadata/mdl: Performance schema instrument enabled. Default for MySQL 8+


Note: that what InnoDB calls the MySQL thread id (the trx_mysql_thread_id column) is actually the connection id.

Not all clients and connections submit attributes or they may be disabled so this information is not always available.

The Solution

If there is a large amount of UNDO, kill DDL first then idle transactions to allow blocked queries to proceed while the rollback is processing. Then retry DDL once rollback is done.

The Prevention

Avoid DDL during high activity. Set lock_wait_timeout low.