01. Planning the Deployment

Editions and License Model

Edition License
Enterprise per core
Standard per core
  server plus CAL
Web Third party hosting only
Developer Free (non-production)
Express Free (10GB for database, 1GB RAM, 4 cores)

CAL is _Client Access License__ (user or device).

Edition Options
Enterprise All
Standard Core plus BI
Web Server providers for public web
Developer All
Express All

Windows Server Core prevents:

Don’t use RAID0 for TEMPDB as loss of TEMPDB crashes the instance.

RAID1 is better than RAID10 for transaction logs. Not RAID5.

Data and log files on SAN. TEMPDB and buffer cache extensions should be locally attached – SSD preferable.

Instead of placing data on disks, DBAs need to determine which SAN storage tier to use.

Write performance can be better than read ceause of write caches.

NTFS has a default blocksize of 4KB.

SQL/Server has a minimum extent of eight (8) 8KB blocks. Best performance can be achieved through setting blocksize to 64KB.

Use high performance power plan for database server.

Prioritise background over foreground as background processes are used by database instances.

Instant file initialisation:

Lock pages in memory (EE SE):

SQL Audit to Security Log