SQL Server Agent is a service that provides the ability to create automated routines with decision-based logic and schedule to run them one time only, on a recurring basis, when SQL Server Agent starts, or when a CPU idle condition occurs.
- one time
- when SQL Server Agent starts
- CPU idle
- recurring
Operator - individual or team who receives notification of job status or alert notified via e-mail, pager, and NET SEND
. Pager and NET SEND
are deprecated. Need to configure DB mail.
- one or more actions (aka job steps)
- action (except T-SQL) runs under SQL Server Agent account or proxy which is linked to a credential
- action can have retries
- on success/failure
- schedule: specific/shared
- notifications
Alerts repond to events
- SQLAgentUserRole
- SQLAgentReaderRole
- SQLAgentOperatorRole
gets all of these roles. Not all SQL Agent activities are covered by these roles.
T-SQL run as user (no proxy)
Credential -> proxy account -> schedule operator used to receive e-mail
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;
EXEC sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs',1;
Can have a default profile which sends e-mail to one or more operators
- Normal - log errors
- Extended - error, warn, info
- Verbose - error, warn, info, success, internal
After configuring DB mail, create operator who receives e-mails in event of job failures. Then create job.
sp_start_job @job_name=N'...';
sp_start_job @job_name=N'...' @step_name=N'...';
Multiserver jobs:
- MSX Master Server
- TSX Target Server
Use regedit
to set AllowDownloadedJobsToMatchProxyName
registry key:
- =1 encrypt, no certificate valid
- =2 encrypt plus SSL certified
- =0 off
connect server\instance
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_proxy ...;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem ...;
EXEC sp_delete_jobserver
EXEC sp_add_jobserver
Force poll TSX -> MSX to distributed list for latest jobs
- Defection (deleting) removes TSX.
- Synchronize Clocks MSX -> all TSX
SQL Server Agent is a scheduling engine for SQL Server that allows you to create powerful maintenance jobs, whith decision based logic on a variety of schedules. A job is a container for the tasks that should be performed, and each of these tasks is known as a step. Job step can have different accounts/subsystems.
Good security: proxy accounts -> credentials -> AD principal