2016-09-07 1 Build VM


Based on planning done , I proceeded to build the VM and install OEL 7.


  • None.


I was using VirtualBox 5.0.2

Step 01: Name and Choice of O/S

After I selected New , I got the following screen which I filled in with the name of the VM and the choice of an Oracle Linux 64-bit.

Clicked Next .

Step 02: Memory Size

Increased the memory size to 1 GB.

Clicked Next .

Step 03: Add Hard Disk

Accept the default:

Clicked Next .

Step 04: Hard Disk Type

Accepted the default:

Clicked Next .

Step 05: Storage on Physical Hard Disk

Changed to Fixed size :

Clicked Next .

Step 06: File Location and Size

Changed the name to clifton_root and decrease the size to 10 GB.

Clicked Create .

Step 07: Creating Hard Disk

The following appeared:

And all was done.

Step 08: Network Adapter Settings

Under Settings for Clifton , I updated the network adapter #1 to be a bridged adpater in order to a manualy assigned network address:

Clicked OK .

Step 09: Mount OEL 7 DVD

Under Settings for Clifton , I mounted V46135-01.iso in the optical drive:

Clicked OK .

Step 10: Install OEL 7

Clicked Start on Clifton for the installation of OEL 7.

This was a minimal installation.

Clicked Reboot at the very end.