2017-08-01 Convert to XEN


I rebuilt CLIFTON as a XEN VM because the host machine, RYDE , had caught fire.


XEN Configuration

I put the following configuration into /OVS/running_pool/CLIFTON/clifton.hvm :

# =====================================================================
# HVM guest configuration for CLIFTON
# Generated 2017-08-01 18:27:00
# =====================================================================
# This is a fairly minimal example of what is required for an
# HVM guest. For a more complete guide see xl.cfg(5)
# This configures an HVM rather than PV guest
builder = "hvm"

# Guest name
name = "clifton"

# 128-bit UUID for the domain as a hexadecimal number.
# Use "uuidgen" to generate one if required.
uuid = "7c422069-1768-413b-b1ea-6919f492fa11"

# Initial memory allocation (MB)
memory = 2048

# Number of VCPUS
vcpus = 1

# Network devices
# A list of 'vifspec' entries as described in
# docs/misc/xl-network-configuration.markdown
vif = [

# Disk Devices
# A list of 'diskspec' entries as described in
# docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt
disk = [

# Guest VGA console configuration, either SDL or VNC
vnc = 1
vnclisten = ""
vncdisplay = "9"

Install OEL 7.2

I followed the procedure in Install Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.2 .