19 Re-install as VM on Victoria


Because I was having hard-disk problems with my Toshiba lap-top where I had originally installed CRONULLA , I am doing a new installation to, and patch it to



Create VM

On VICTORIA , I created the following directory:

mkdir -p /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA

I am planning to do a simple installation with BI Publisher, and reuse the repository in REPOS on GRIDCTRL .

Followed the advice given in 2.1 CPU, RAM, Heap Size, and Hard Disk Space Requirements for Oracle Management Service , I created a disk as follows with an extra 32GB of disk space because I found that 18GB was insufficient:

cd /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA
dd if=/dev/zero of=root_disk bs=1G count=50

Based on those recommendations, I created the following the XEN configuration file as /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA/cronulla.hvm :

# =====================================================================
# HVM guest configuration for CRONULLA
# Generated 2015-05-31 16:00:00
# =====================================================================
# This is a fairly minimal example of what is required for an
# HVM guest. For a more complete guide see xl.cfg(5)
# This configures an HVM rather than PV guest
builder = "hvm"

# Guest name
name = "cronulla"

# 128-bit UUID for the domain as a hexadecimal number.
# Use "uuidgen" to generate one if required.
uuid = "710b738c-98fd-4105-9776-3cd84673a7f4"

# Initial memory allocation (MB)
memory = 6144

# Number of VCPUS
vcpus = 2

# Network devices
# A list of 'vifspec' entries as described in
# docs/misc/xl-network-configuration.markdown
vif = [

# Disk Devices
# A list of 'diskspec' entries as described in
# docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt
disk = [

# Guest VGA console configuration, either SDL or VNC
vnc = 1
vnclisten = ""
vncdisplay = "6"

Loaded OEL6u5 with a web server software installation and set up networking. The optional packages installed were X Window System under Desktops .

Download Software

Downloaded the following software:

  • em12104_linux64_disk1.zip
  • em12104_linux64_disk2.zip
  • em12104_linux64_disk3.zip
  • p20188140_121040_Generic.zip
  • p6880880_111000_Linux-x86-64.zip

These files were then transferred to CRONULLA into the /tmp directory.

Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements

According to 3 Meeting Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control , OEL6 is supported for OEM

Create OS Group and User

Following the procedure in 4 Creating Operating System Groups and Users for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control , I ran the following commands:

/usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall
/usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G wheel oracle
passwd oracle

The group, wheel , allows sudo access after visudo is used to update /etc/sudoers.

Create Installation Directories

As root , I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

mkdir -p /opt/app/oracle/Middleware/
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/app/oracle

As oracle , I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

mkdir -p /opt/app/oracle/software/

Unpack Software

As oracle , I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk1.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/
unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk2.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/
unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk3.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/
unzip -qo /tmp/p20188140_121040_Generic.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software