Now that I set up the EMREPOS database on GORDON , I am ready to move the OEM repository from the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL .
The primary reason for this move is that the 13c version of OEM does not support databases for the repository.
- Enterprise Manager 12.1 Cloud Control Administrator's Guide
- Oracle ® 12.1 Database Administrator's Guide
- Oracle ® 11.2 Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
- EXPDP - ORA-39097 ORA-39065 ORA-00911 (invalid Character) With FULL=Y TRANSPORTABLE=Y (Doc ID 1951858.1)
I need to check if I can transport the REPOS database from GRIDCTRL to the EMREPOS database on GORDON .
This procedure is based on 15.5 Cross Platform Enterprise Manager Repository Migration .
Get Platform of Target Database
On GORDON , the platform for the EMREPOS database is determined as follows:
SELECT platform_name FROM v$database;
The output was:
PLATFORM_NAME ---------------- Linux x86 64-bit
Verify that Platforms are Compatible
In the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL , the destination platform of Linux x86 64-bit is checked for database transport compatibility as follows:
SELECT platform_name FROM v$db_transportable_platform WHERE platform_name = 'Linux x86 64-bit';
The output was:
PLATFORM_NAME ---------------- Linux x86 64-bit
This means that I can use transportable database to move the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL to the EMREPOS database on GORDON .
Check for External Dependencies
In the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL , the dbms_tdb.check_external function is called as follows to find what external dependencies there are for this database as follows:
set serveroutput on declare x boolean; begin x := dbms_tdb.check_external; end; /
The output was:
The following directories exist in the database: SYS.XMLDIR, SYS.ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR2, SYS.ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR, SYS.DATA_PUMP_DIR PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
The good news is that there are no:
- External tables, or
- BFILE entries
Check that Database is Transportable
In the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL , the dbms_tdb.check_db function is called as follows to find if this database can be transported to a Linux x86 64-bit platform as follows:
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE retcode BOOLEAN; BEGIN retcode := dbms_tdb.check_db('Linux x86 64-bit', dbms_tdb.skip_none); END; /
The following output indicates that there were no errors.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Stop OMS
This procedure is based on 15.5 Cross Platform Enterprise Manager Repository Migration .
On CRONULLA , the OEM Management Server (OMS) is stopped:
/opt/app/oracle/middleware/oms/bin/emctl stop oms
The output was:
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4 Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Stopping WebTier... WebTier Successfully Stopped Stopping Oracle Management Server... Oracle Management Server Successfully Stopped Oracle Management Server is Down
Prepare Source Database for Transport
This procedure is based on Transporting a Database Using an Export Dump File . I could not use the RMAN procedure described in 15.5 Cross Platform Enterprise Manager Repository Migration because the source and target are at different Oracle RDBMS versions.
Create PDB for Repository
In the EMREPOS database on GORDON , I followed the procedure in Create a PDB from the SEED PDB to create a PDB called EMREPOSP as follows:
create pluggable database emreposp admin user oem_admin identified by oem_admin /
The result was:
Pluggable database created.
Open the PDB as read-write:
alter pluggable database emreposp open read write;
The result was:
Pluggable database altered.
Make Tablespaces Read-Only
In the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL , the non-administrative tablespaces should be in READ-ONLY mode. This is accomplished by the following SQL statements:
Create Export Dump File for Transportable Database
In the REPOS database on GRIDCTRL , the following export data-pump command was run to create a export dump file for transporting the database:
expdp system full=y dumpfile=move_omr.dmp directory=data_pump_dir transportable=always version=12 logfile=move_omr.log
Unfortunately, this failed with the following error messages:
. . exported "SYSTEM"."SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE" 0 KB 0 rows ORA-39097: Data Pump job encountered unexpected error -920 ORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in DISPATCH ORA-00920: invalid relational operator Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01" stopped due to fatal error at Sat Sep 17 20:46:42 2016 elapsed 0 00:16:35
Looks like I hit bug 17583185 as described in EXPDP - ORA-39097 ORA-39065 ORA-00911 (invalid Character) With FULL=Y TRANSPORTABLE=Y (Doc ID 1951858.1) .