02 Install OVMM 3.2.6


Install OVM Manager on top of OEL6u5 on a VM.



Mount Installation DVD

Used the following command to mount the ISO image ( V40082-01.iso ) as a DVD:

mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/dvd /mnt

Create the Oracle User and Associated Parameters

As advised by 4.3.2 Software Requirements , used the following command to create the Oracle user and associated system parameters:


The output of the command is:

Adding group 'oinstall' with gid '54321' ...
Adding group 'dba'
Adding user 'oracle' with user id '54321', initial login group 'dba', supplementary group 'oinstall' and  home directory '/home/oracle' ...
Changing ownership of '/home/oracle' to oracle:dba
Creating user 'oracle' succeeded ...
Verifying user 'oracle' OS prerequisites for Oracle VM Manager ...
oracle  soft    nofile          8192
oracle  hard    nofile          8192
oracle  soft    nproc           4096
oracle  hard    nproc           4096
oracle  soft    core            unlimited
oracle  hard    core            unlimited
Setting  user 'oracle' OS limits for Oracle VM Manager ...
Altered file /etc/security/limits.conf
Original file backed up at /etc/security/limits.conf.orabackup
Verifying & setting of user limits succeeded ...
Creating mountpoint '/u01' ...
Modifying iptables for OVM
Adding rules to enable access to:
     7002  : Oracle VM Manager https
     15901 : Oracle VM Manager VM console proxy
     54321 : Oracle VM Manager core
     54322 : Oracle VM Manager core via SSL
       123 : NTP
     10000 : Oracle VM Manager CLI Tool
iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:[  OK  ]
Rules added.

Install OVMM

Using the procedure in Simple Installation (includes database if necessary) , the following commands to install Oracle Virtual Machine Manager:

cd /mnt
[root@melbourne mnt]# ./runInstaller.sh

The log of the installation is uploaded as 02 Install OVM 3.2.6.log .