2018-03-02 Ansible Playbook for Oracle User


Following the successful creation of AUBURN as an Ansible server, I wanted to create a playbook for the installation of Grid Infrastructure (GI) that could be used as I experimented with GI.

The previous procedure created an Ansible playbook that created the Oracle directories. In this procedure, I want to complete the set-up of the Oracle user.



Select Groups

Based on the suggestions in 6.1.8 Descriptions of Job Role Separation Groups and Users , I propose to modify the oracle user to have extra groups in order to manage ASM:

Group Name Group ID Description Created by
oinstall 54321 Oracle software owner Oracle pre-installation RPM
dba 54322 Oracle user authenicated through operating system as SYSDBA Oracle pre-installation RPM
oper 54323 Oracle user authenicated through operating system for limited operational tasks only as SYSOPER By me
asmdba 54327 Oracle user authenicated through operating system as SYSDBA for ASM only By me
asmoper 54328 Oracle user authenicated through operating system for limited operational tasks only as SYSOPER for ASM only By me
asmadmin 54329 Oracle user authenicated through operating system for ASM operational tasks only as SYSASM (between SYSOPER and SYSDBA) By me

Create Playbook

On AUBURN , I created an Ansible playbook ( user_groups.yml ) with the following contents:

- name: Prepare REDFERN Cluster for Oracle GI 12.1 installation (Oracle Groups)
  hosts: redfern1.yaocm.id.au
  become: true
  - name: Add Oracle and Grid groups
      name:   "{{ item.name }}"
      gid:    "{{ item.gid }}"
      state:  present
      system: no
      - { name: "oper" ,     gid: 54323 }
      - { name: "asmdba" ,   gid: 54327 }
      - { name: "asmoper" ,  gid: 54328 }
      - { name: "asmadmin" , gid: 54329 }
  - name: Set groups and password for Oracle user
      name:     oracle
      comment:  "Oracle sotware owner"
      password: "************************************************"
      group:    oinstall
      groups:   oinstall,dba,oper,asmdba,asmoper,asmadmin

Note: The password value was copied out of /etc/shadow. The password is obscured because tools exists to decrypt such values.

Modify User Settings for the Oracle User

On AUBURN, I executed an Ansible playbook (user_groups.yml) as follows:

ansible-playbook -K user_groups.yml 

The output was:

SUDO password: 

PLAY [Prepare REDFERN Cluster for Oracle GI 12.1 installation (Oracle Groups)] ***

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [Add Oracle and Grid groups] **********************************************
changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54323, u'name': u'oper'})
changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54327, u'name': u'asmdba'})
changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54328, u'name': u'asmoper'})
changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54329, u'name': u'asmadmin'})

TASK [Set groups and password for Oracle user] *********************************
changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
redfern1.yaocm.id.au       : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0  


Used the following command (on REDFERN1) to verify that the correct groups are set:

id oracle

The output was:

uid=54321(oracle) gid=54321(oinstall) groups=54321(oinstall),54322(dba),54323(oper),54327(asmdba),54328(asmoper),54329(asmadmin)

Expand Playbook to Include All Groups

The above playbook only adds the extra groups that were not created through the Oracle Pre-installation RPM.

For completeness, the RPM-supplied groups are added to the playbook (user_groups.yml) as follows (changes are in bold:

- name: Prepare REDFERN Cluster for Oracle GI 12.1 installation (Oracle Groups)
  hosts: redfern1.yaocm.id.au
  become: true
  - name: Add Oracle and Grid groups
      name:   "{{ item.name }}"
      gid:    "{{ item.gid }}"
      state:  present
      system: no
      - { name: "oinstall",  gid: 54321 }
      - { name: "dba",       gid: 54322 }
      - { name: "oper" ,     gid: 54323 }
      - { name: "asmdba" ,   gid: 54327 }
      - { name: "asmoper" ,  gid: 54328 }
      - { name: "asmadmin" , gid: 54329 }
  - name: Set groups and password for Oracle user
      name:     oracle
      comment:  "Oracle sotware owner"
      password: "************************************************"
      group:    oinstall
      groups:   oinstall,dba,oper,asmdba,asmoper,asmadmin

Note: The password value was copied out of /etc/shadow. The password is obscured because tools exists to decrypt such values.

Confirm User Settings for the Oracle User

On AUBURN, I executed the Ansible playbook (user_groups.yml) to confirm the correct settings for the oracle user:

ansible-playbook -K user_groups.yml

The output was:

SUDO password: 

PLAY [Prepare REDFERN Cluster for Oracle GI 12.1 installation (Oracle Groups)] ***

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [Add Oracle and Grid groups] **********************************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54321, u'name': u'oinstall'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54322, u'name': u'dba'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54323, u'name': u'oper'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54327, u'name': u'asmdba'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54328, u'name': u'asmoper'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54329, u'name': u'asmadmin'})

TASK [Set groups and password for Oracle user] *********************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
redfern1.yaocm.id.au       : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   

The settings for the oracle user are now documented in the playbook.