2018-03-15 Ansible Roles


I have accumulated several Ansible playbooks so far, and the complexity is starting to bite. I am now going to start using roles as the recommended way to manage the complexity.



Roles Selected

I am going to start with three (3) roles:

Name Description Playbooks Used
common Ansible standard role None
oracle_user oracle user requirements: privileges; directories
  • install-dir.yml
  • oracle_software_src.yml
  • preinstall.yml
  • user_groups.yml
oracle_gi Everything needed to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI)
  • gi_asm.yml
  • oracleasm_init_disk.yml
  • oracleasm.yml


Create Roles

To create these roles, I run the following commands on AUBURN :

cd /etc/ansible/roles
ansible-galaxy init common
ansible-galaxy init oracle_user
ansible-galaxy init oracle_gi

The output is:

douglas@auburn:/etc/ansible/roles$ ansible-galaxy init common
- common was created successfully
douglas@auburn:/etc/ansible/roles$ ansible-galaxy init oracle_user
- oracle_user was created successfully
douglas@auburn:/etc/ansible/roles$ ansible-galaxy init oracle_gi
- oracle_gi was created successfully

Playbook for Oracle User Role

I created the main playbook for the oracle_user role in /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_user/tasks/main.yml with the following code:

# tasks file for oracle_user
# =============================================================================
# (1) Creates the Oracle User through the Oracle pre-installation RPM
# (2) Creates the installation directories
# (3) Adds additional groups to the oracle user
# (4) Mounts software directory on NFS
# ==============================================================================

- name:             Set up ORACLE user
    - import_tasks: preinstall.yml
    - import_tasks: install_dir.yml
    - import_tasks: user_groups.yml
    - import_tasks: oracle_software_src.yml
  become:           yes
  become_user:      root

Here I use the block to apply the privilege escalation to all of the imported tasks.

Playbook for Oracle GI Role

I created the main playbook for the oracle_gi role in /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/main.yml with the following code:

# tasks file for oracle_gi
# =============================================================================
# (1) Install Oracle ASMLib Driver
# (2) Configure Oracle ASMLib Driver
# ==============================================================================

- name:		    Install and configure Oracle ASMLib driver
    - import_tasks: gi_asm.yml
    - import_tasks: oracleasm.yml
  become:           yes
  become_user:      root

Here I use the block to apply the privilege escalation to all of the imported tasks.

Main Playbook

I created the main playbook for the oracle_user role in /etc/ansible/sites.yml with the following code:

- hosts:	redfern1.yaocm.id.au
    - oracle_user
    - oracle_gi

I did not include privilege escalation here because some future tasks will have to run as the oracle user.

Execute Main Playbook

The complete playbook, sites.yml, was executed as follows:

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass sites.yml

The output was:

SUDO password: 

PLAY [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] ****************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_user : Install Oracle 12.1 pre-installation RPM] ******************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_user : Creating the Oracle Home and Oracle Base Directory] ********
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item=app/12.1.0/grid)
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item=app/grid)
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item=app/oracle)

TASK [oracle_user : Add Oracle and Grid groups] ********************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54321, u'name': u'oinstall'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54322, u'name': u'dba'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54323, u'name': u'oper'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54327, u'name': u'asmdba'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54328, u'name': u'asmoper'})
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => (item={u'gid': 54329, u'name': u'asmadmin'})

TASK [oracle_user : Set groups and password for Oracle user] *******************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_user : Install NFS Utilities Software] ****************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_user : Create Mount Point for Oracle Installation Software] *******
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_user : Mount NFS Share for Oracle Installation Software] **********
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Install Oracle ASMLib RPM] ***********************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Install other packages for ASM] ******************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Get Oracle ASMLib Driver Configuration] **********************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Set Owner for Oracle ASMLib Driver] **************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Set Group for Oracle ASMLib Driver] **************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Enable Oracle ASMLib Driver] *********************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Check Oracle ASMLib Driver Status] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Load and initialize Oracle ASMLib Driver] ********************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Verify Oracle ASMLib Driver is loaded and initialized] *******
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : include_tasks] ***********************************************
included: /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/oracleasm_init_disk.yml for redfern1.yaocm.id.au
included: /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/oracleasm_init_disk.yml for redfern1.yaocm.id.au
included: /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/oracleasm_init_disk.yml for redfern1.yaocm.id.au
included: /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/oracleasm_init_disk.yml for redfern1.yaocm.id.au
included: /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/oracleasm_init_disk.yml for redfern1.yaocm.id.au

TASK [oracle_gi : Query status of disk "/dev/xvdd1"] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Ensure that there is one partition that occupies whole disk "/dev/xvdd"] ***
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Initialize "/dev/xvdd1" as "DATA"] ***************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Query status of disk "/dev/xvde1"] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Ensure that there is one partition that occupies whole disk "/dev/xvde"] ***
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Initialize "/dev/xvde1" as "FRA"] ****************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Query status of disk "/dev/xvdf1"] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Ensure that there is one partition that occupies whole disk "/dev/xvdf"] ***
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Initialize "/dev/xvdf1" as "REDO1"] **************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Query status of disk "/dev/xvdg1"] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Ensure that there is one partition that occupies whole disk "/dev/xvdg"] ***
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Initialize "/dev/xvdg1" as "REDO2"] **************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Query status of disk "/dev/xvdh1"] ***************************
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : debug] *******************************************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Ensure that there is one partition that occupies whole disk "/dev/xvdh"] ***
ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

TASK [oracle_gi : Initialize "/dev/xvdh1" as "VOTE"] ***************************
skipping: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
redfern1.yaocm.id.au       : ok=28   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0