The repository needs to be set up for the OVM Server.
- Oracle VM: OVS Repository Design and Storage Considerations (Doc ID 794198.1)
- Oracle VM Server Repository - Directory Structure and Usage (OVM2) (Doc ID 468101.1)
Design Decisions
In Oracle VM: OVS Repository Design and Storage Considerations (Doc ID 794198.1) , several design criteria are enumerated. My design decisions are as follows:
- Non-shared OVS repository storage is chosen because I have a single server for use by OVM.
- Non-shared OVS repository filesystem is chosen because I have chosen non-shared OVS repository storage.
- Single OVS repository is chosen because I want a simple installation.
- Repository storage Sizing is chosen to fill the unallocated storage.
- Resource placement is set because there is a single repository.
From Oracle VM Server Repository - Directory Structure and Usage (OVM2) (Doc ID 468101.1) , the following directories are created:
cd /OVS
mkdir iso_pool
mkdir publish_pool
mkdir seed_pool
mkdir shareDisk
mkdir running_pool
An additional directory was created for the extraction of uploaded template files:
cd /OVS
mkdir scratch